PTO Meeting 2/19 @ 6:30pm (free popcorn)

Come join us on Thursday, Feb. 19th from 6:30-7:30 for a PTO meeting/Bullysafe Presentation. Marilyn Leatherman, a former MSDWT Principal,  will be here to share ways to help you recognize when your child is being bullied, strategies for helping you through those conversations at home and how we can empower students to report to adults when something is happening to them. The PTO meeting will immediately follow the Bullysafe presentation from 7:00-7:30pm.


Also our current fundraiser will run until Feb. 27th. Make sure all orders are turned in by then! Did you know??? We earn more money for our school through student orders, but if someone is out of town, they can order online and we still earn 40% for our school! They have to order using our fundraiser ID, which if they use the link below it will take them directly to our school “page”:
In order for your student to get credit for online orders, be sure to enter the student’s name (link to do that is located next to our fundraising ID at the top of the page).

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