International Day of Caring

During Specials time on the last day of school before Winter Break, Greenbriar students had the opportunity to learn and better understand the arts, music, dance and activities of many other cultures. The celebration was called International Day of Caring. The seven continents of the world were represented with a wide range of activities and a map of all the continents for the students to visit.

In North America, children lassoed the cow from Texas, shot a hockey puck into the net for Canada and did a Mexican hat dance to celebrate Mexico.

When “visiting” Asia students drew Henna designs on their hands, colored dragon masks, posed in yoga, and drew Chinese fortunes from the dragons mouth.











 In Australia, students threw a boomerang. Combined with Australia was Antarctica. Students waddled like a penguin with a penguin egg between their feet.

 In Africa, students chose a country out of a basket and located it on the world map.











 In Europe, students built a replica of Stonehenge with blocks, matched famous landmarks from France, and learned ballet positions from the Russian ballet.









 In South America, students practiced kicking a soccer ball, enjoyed weaving on a loom from Ecuador, and tried their hand at fishing for snakes in the Amazon River.










Thank you Specials teachers for all your hard work to make this day successful. Thank you to the second graders who helped assist each grade throughout the day. And thank you for to all the students who were well behaved and caring in their learning and understanding of other cultures.





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