Art – Students attend art for 50 minutes weekly. Keeping in mind that Art is about communication, our students at Greenbriar are invited and encouraged to explore a variety of media and methods in order to invent and express their own individual responses to their experiences. Art lessons are taught with language arts, mathematic components and connections to the general curriculum. The necessity for observation, risk and experimentation, which is the foundation for scientific inquiry, is also crucial to the making of art. Read more about Art at GB here:
[button size=”medium” color=”purple” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=”″]Art @ GB[/button]
The Spanish program this year will expose students to Spanish one day a week for 50 minutes with Mrs. Perez. Students will learn to ask and answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? How? and How much? The units they will study are: Family, Animals of the World, Body, Clothing, Food, House and School. The following are incorporated into each class practice: Numbers, Calendar, Weather, Feelings, Colors, Prepositions and Adjectives. Our verb practice will be included in the conversational dynamic of our class. The classes include music and chants to help students remember the more complex grammatical phrases. Activities are designed to engage all willing students. We play many games to encourage more comprehension and retention of vocabulary. Classes begin with a small amount of Spanish and build up to being presented only in Spanish. As the students learn the questions and responses and become confident in using the language to communicate with their peers, they will speak only Spanish in class.
Computer – We have a computer lab for creating projects, practicing skills, or surfing the Internet. All students have access to the computer lab monthly.
Media Center – Our bright and comfortable library houses hundreds of wonderful childrens books. Each week, students have a designated library time for 50 minutes with Mrs. Casas so they can pick out a book to take home and read. Students are responsible for their library books and get into the practice of returning books and picking out new ones. Book swaps make it possible for new adventures! Click here to access the Greenbriar online catalog Greenbriar’s Online Catalog
Music – The Performing Arts is a vital part of a complete education. It contributes to the total growth and development of the student through its inherent discipline and appeal. Students should receive a broad variety of experiences in the Performing Arts through the Music classroom. Learn more about Music @ GB here :
[button size=”medium” color=”purple” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=”″]Music @ GB[/button]
Physical Education – Students participate in a 50 minute physical education class once per week. Our wonderful P.E. teacher, Mr. May, has designed a great program that teaches the importance of physical activity while emphasizing the importance of teamwork.
Please be sure your child wears comfortable clothes and tennis shoes on their scheduled gym day.