Absence is defined as a student missing all or any portion of the school day, for any reason. There are three types of absences: Excused, Unexcused, and Prearranged. Should your student be absent for any reason, please call the attendance line at (317) 259-5468 before 9:00 am. If your student is arriving late or leaving early for an appointment, please request a note from the dentist, doctor, etc. All notes should be given to the front office for record keeping. Offices may also fax notes to (317) 259-5494
Absences for any reasons other than those mentioned above, and/or not verified as required, are considered unexcused (e.g., missing the bus is unexcused).
A prearranged absence request will not be approved if any one of the following occurs:
Prearranged absence forms are available at the office.